Monday, December 24, 2007


I miss u mum.

This time round I could not stay for long,but u actually took a day off to make chicken rice for me. It was your first attempt but wow,it was exactly how I loved it. And u took all the meat apart,so I didn't have to deal with the bones. U knew I love breast meat because I'm the sort that hates gnawing on bones and then U wedged all the bones apart and removed them. U're so sweet ma. And u also helped me prepare so much chillies because U know I'm such a spice fanatic.

Mum,I'm sorry I'm such a brat. I have a fiery temper (damn,it's those chillies) and spew venom whenever I'm hungry,annoyed or provoked. U see mum,I'm exactly 12 now and I'm acting my age so let me grow up some more while U stay young and beautiful.

U insisted and insisted that I didn't have to do laundry and honestly I should have beaten U at insisting,because I am the mother of all stubborn mules. But then,U're MY mother. So. I now know where I inherited those obstinate, headstrong traits from. Mum....I know U won't read this,because it would be too crazy to add U on facebook. What would u do if U realized that your daughter is such a psycho she has all these crazy applications and personality tests to prove that she is a "playful kisser,a Guru lover", a serial killer called Sylar from Heroes and secretly lesbian (portia) too? And all those times I stared fixated on the computer screens looking painstakingly intellectual when I was actually hooked on facebook Mafia and playing Rock, Paper, Scissors and every intervals sending people virtual "gropes,dropkicks,pwns???"
and invisible eggnogs and sleigh rides. What would u say mum, what would U say?

Oh and I get secretly thrilled too when people "pwn,hug,kiss,grope,dropkick,cuddle" or send me gingerbread men,turkeys and a Grinch running after me too. I am a hair's breadth away from turning absolutely insane from the cyber-reality world and while I tried to blend in with the reality and the world beyond Facebook in society, there I find friends,colleagues and even my director and producers are on Facebook. They have told me they liked the virtual ice creams I send them and are a little miffed when they are not mentioned in my Notes or are further down the columns in my Top Friends section. So after clearing the 500 application requests I get whenever I log on,I decided to join a group that says "If someone sends me another facebook application I will eat up their parents", yes it's deplorable mum, I know I'm superbad.

On a lighter note and straying away from Facebook, I would like to say that U looked absolutely greater everytime. Would U think I can look as radiant as U when I grow up next time? I know 12 is a little far away but at the rate U're going,ma,I'm aging faster than U. I also thank U for putting up with my pet peeves and offering me that safety net whenever I feel traumatised or bullied. I think I end up bullying U sometimes because I throw out my pent up accumulated frustrations without batting an eye mostly.Mum,mum,mum,no,it should be mummy because that is what I call U since I was born and it has never changed. I think I just wanted to prevent people from thinking I was acting cute by calling U that but screw it, oops,sorry I meant, Bless them.

Love u ma. Thanks for being my mother.

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